Monday 13 January 2014

Tiny Etsian Feature: III

When browsing through the huge art section of etsy, the thumbnails of Joël Penkman's pieces can be easily confused with photography. Indeed they are highly realistic prints of tempera paintings. Very tasty still lifes with a coolish yet blazing colour palette. The majority of motifs are foods such as popsicles, doughnuts, glasses of milk or (my favourite) a lovely arrangement of Holly Golightly's breakfast from "Breakfast At Tiffany's". Joël grinds and mixes his own colours, something very seldom applied by todays painters because of the time involved. But the results are marvellous. His work has been published in Food And Wine Magazine amongst others. He's currently living in the UK and has exhibited his art in the Royal Academy of the Arts in London, the Editions Gallery in Liverpool and various other galleries. Be sure to feast your eyes on his delicious selection of prints in his shop with a click on the banner.

Saturday 4 January 2014

Trivia At Night IV

I'm troubled by people who pose a complex question
and then seem bothered if you give them a
more-than-two-words answer.

And yes, I think "How's everything?" should be included in that.